Sunday, September 28, 2008

Insecurity of cunts

Feministing had all their bitches post about things that they hated. It revealed that Feminists are more insecure than I realized. Let's go over some and see how they are all stupid cunts.

This is from Samhita's list:

9. Shops that don't carry larger than a size 8.

Why should a private business cater to your fat ass you stupid cunt?

8. Body hair removal.

What the fuck do you care if people get their body hair removed you dumb harlot?

5. Progressive men that do sexist shit.

You mean that you don't like it when liberal guys kiss your ugly ass insufficiently? Fuck you bitch.

4. The McCain/Palin ticket.

At least you mentioned McCain. You are a cunt.

3. Having my weight scrutinized by friends and family on a regular basis even though I am a grown ass woman and it is none of your business.

Maybe if you weren't such a fat ass they wouldn't worry about it so much

1. Dating.

I don't like dating either, which is why I DON'T FUCKING DO IT. Stop being a whiny cunt.

That's a wrap for Samhita, lets go on to the dumbass comentators.

I hate family commenting on my weight in the guise of "are you eating healthy at school? are you going to take a dance class?" aka "you look fat" and i get the same crap from my doctor, "you're healthy, but..."
Posted by Molly September 24, 2008 11:40 AM

Molly, it sounds like you are a fat ho.

About the weight issue--I hate it when I complain about my weight and my S.O. says "well I think you look beautiful." I understand he is trying to be sweet, but who the f cares what he thinks? It's not about what he thinks of's how I feel about myself. When will men realize it's NOT ALWAYS ABOUT THEM!?
Posted by Bee September 24, 2008 2:24 PM

Holy shit.

A smug asshole telling me, "don't you get it? you will ALWAYS be judged by the way you look".

Posted by Chartreus September 24, 2008 9:51 PM

That guy is the man.

5. The once a month weigh in over the phone. Mom or Dad: "How's your health? Have you put on any weight?" Me: "I'm 5 feet 2 inches and I weigh about 125 pounds, which is average! Why do you keep asking?" Mom or Dad: "Hmmm, be careful. Eat properly" Eh?!

125 at 5'2 is not average you fat ho bag.

10. Two words: "women's issues"
Posted by Courtney - September 18, 2008, at 04:35PM in Sexism

You may just be the biggest crybaby whore to ever live. Feminists are the ones who created "women's issues". You are a total cunt.

.4. Feeling ugly without makeup.

You are probably just as ugly with it.

7. Feeling too intimidated to confront certain people on their oppressive attitudes or actions

Haha, not so tough when you aren't online are you? Dumb bitch.

10. People who take non-stranger rapes less seriously.
Posted by MHeald September 18, 2008 5:04 PM

You mean, the entire planet?

7) "Should you really eat that? Aren't you afraid your husband won't love you if you get fat?"8) "Women don't think, they just feel." 9) "Why are you so angry? Don't you think that's unfeminine?"10) "Women are like children, and need to be treated accordingly."
Posted by JetGirl70 September 18, 2008 5:11 PM

Gimme a break, nobody has ever said any of those things to you.

And to think some men actually think girls/women like being whistled at!?
Posted by fourthwave September 18, 2008 5:31 PM

They do, but that isn't why we do it. We don't give a fuck what you do or don't like.

1. being told to have more of a sense of humor when i don't laugh at degrading jokes2. being treated like a novelty because of identifying as feminist3. people thinking me crossing my legs is an invitation to ask about my sexuality4. not being able to order a drink because the name is disgusting5. having to defend simple ideas like "rape is bad" or "racism exists"6. having privilege and not knowing what to do about it7. the "men's interest" and "women's interest" periodical sections in bookstores8. movie posters 9. having liberalism attributed to being young and wanting to be "different"10. being pressured to like sports or at least pretend like i like sports
Posted by Rob.William September 18, 2008 5:32 PM

Okay, Feministing, I love your site but please ban these manginas. They are pissing me the fuck off.

As for this guy, he is obviously both a douche and a mangina, but is he also a faggot? I can't tell from this post, I need more information.

5. Prank callers on the rape-crisis hotline
Posted by Katie September 18, 2008 5:36 PM

Okay, that's pretty bad.

Those Glade Plug-Ins ads.
Posted by BrittneyBush September 18, 2008 5:51 PM

This chick fucking rules, that was actually the only item on her list. Those adds are really annoying.

Being programmed to think I will never be good in math or science, because I am a girl.
Posted by Lelah September 18, 2008 6:22 PM

That statement should simply read "being programmed to never be good in math or science, because I am a girl"

i hate it when i'm having a conversation with a man i've recently met... Feminism comes up, i mention my passion for it, politely ask his views about the topic and he says:
"I'm a MAN, why would i be a feminist/why should i care about feminism/why should i care about sexism?".
Posted by iheartchai September 18, 2008 6:29 PM

Just a suggestion, don't EVER ask a man what he thinks about feminism.

6. Being told I'm acting embarrassingly and combatively after I protest when, in a restaurant, one male friend refers to some husband's rape of his wife in a movie as "not really rape, because you could tell she kind of enjoyed it." Or when, in another restaurant, another male friend likened his sister to "a Muslim woman" for her subservience in relationships.

How dare he be politically incorrect. Fuck you bitch.

8. Women not winning enough shit! Like book deals, record contracts, presidencies and Pulitzers!

Women win way too much shit that they don't deserve. Women are incompetant and worthless.

9. When at work (I'm a reporter), avoiding calling the female lawyers on cases because I know pretty well that they're probably associates or in any case not lead counsel.
Posted by everybodyever September 18, 2008 6:33 PM

See, even you secretly know that women are incompetent and worthless.

3. women being devalued, denigrated, sexualized,insulted, etc., in movies. Not every female role has to revolve around men or titillating men!

Yes they do

5. women who feel threatened by other women, and the moments of weakness when I do as well.

Posted by funkygroove September 18, 2008 6:57 PM

9. People who complain about the movie not being exactly like the book.
Posted by Toni September 18, 2008 7:04 PM

That one's pretty funny too. I do that all the time though.

5. Feeling too shy or outgunned to call people on their racist, sexist bullshit when I hear it. As if I'm the one with something to hide.
Posted by AnnaBella September 18, 2008 7:08 PM

You are. The last thing you need is your family and friends figuring out that you are a feminist cunt.

As a guy who recently learned that I has been far more sexist than I'd like to live with and has decided to change I'd just like say:
1. I have called some of my friends and peers "honey" or "sweetie" before. I'm sorry, I really am, some of my friends and I do still refer to each other like this but it is was sexist of me to assume others wouldn't find it patronizing. 2. I have made gay jokes, I used to think it was just a simple joke, luckily a friends of mine who is a gay student representative at my university helped enlighten me.3. I am still afraid to call myself a feminist, and I hate that.
and as for something that I could do without, being told I am not a feminist because I am a straight, white male and that I only say that for attention. It couldn't at all be because I respect my mother, sister and close friends and feel they deserve fair and equal treatment, no not at all.
Posted by cdstacker September 18, 2008 7:55 PM

Please kill yourself.

Re: "Smile." Oooh, that one makes me absolutely livid. The last guy who said that to me made me so incoherently angry that I shouted "I want to shoot you in your motherfucking face!!!1" Uhh... what an odd thing for me to say to someone. I'm not a violent person and have never held a gun, but "smile" really, really gets to me in a way that not many other things do.
I am not a decoration in a man's landscape.
Posted by lal46 September 18, 2008 11:59 PM

Yes you are, and that's all you are. Cunt.

1). Being told that feminists are just interested in sex.2). Being told I can't be a feminist as a man.3). Being distrusted because I'm male.4). Sexual assault, sexual harassment, patriarchy, etc.5). Feeling like I need to prove that not ALL men are sexist, chauvinist, potential rapists, etc.6). Having an extremely enlightened female friend say that I exhibit characteristics of 'progressive white male syndrome' (whatever the hell that is).7). Any term of endearment from any stranger.8). Leftwing sanctimony: Enough with 'making the world for a better place for our children' spiel; if you want to make the world a better place for your children, don't f*$kn' have any! 7 Billion people is enough!9). People expecting me to know everything because of my gender or ethnicity.10). Not being able to find enough feminist friends (of either/any gender) in supposedly progressive Seattle.
Posted by Devin September 19, 2008 12:34 AM

Kill yourself.

My Top Ten (Teen) Dating:1. Guys who think it’s “cute” that I’m “causey.” Or “interesting” that I am a feminist.2. Guys who lose interest when they discover that I would never want biological children, and that if I got pregnant would put the child up for adoption or force the father to take complete custody. I just hate having guys think that it’s wrong or weird--I’M SEVENTEEN!!! OF COURSE I DON’T WANT BABIES. I also feel that it is unfair that they think I am “cold” for wanting to put a career above settling down and having a family. Double standard much... And I think they are a bigger freak for making that a disqualification at our young age.3. Somehow managing to be a slut simply because I know more about sex than my guy friends. Which is kind of funny in and of itself because 1. I am a virgin, and 2. I am a virgin because I don’t want any of the nasty diseases that are going around.4. Being called “easy” for any of the following:Kissing on the first date. REALLY PEOPLE! COME ON! It’s a kiss. GET OVER IT!Having the audacity to ask the boys out.Being a flirt. I like to flirt. That means nothing besides I like to flirt.The mentality that doing anything makes me easy. The term itself makes it sound like anyone and everyone has access to my body. Somehow that smacks of rape culture. My body not being mine, but instead public property--the assumption that anyone can touch it. It just makes me really angry. And to quote the Hulk--you won’t like me when I’m angry.I am sick of guys calling girls sluts for being sexually active and patting their guy friends on the back for their sexual exploits.I am tired of guys saying I am “kinky” because I enjoy an intelligent conversation about sex and will discuss any form, style, orientation, choice, disease, etc. the same way I might discuss the latest releases at a theater. Just because I am open with a discussion on it does not mean that I am doing. Nor should we condemn those who chose to do it. I am just really tired of people being assumptive arseholes.I am sick of getting messages that guys thought they sent to their friends about me that prove they are just yet another jerkface. I am even sick of those messages that I don’t mistakenly recieve, but know they exist. I am sick that guys feel they have the right to talk about another HUMAN that way. I am sick of guys bragging about how they might “get somewhere with this one.”5. Guys who tell me that I am hot but not worth dating. Because I am:Too intimidating.Too independent. It just wouldn’t work.I’m fun, but I’m not girlfriend material.I’m a little too “easy.” For kissing too soon. I would love to hear that one in a Sleeping Beauty context. She didn’t even talk to the guy or agree to a scam, and she got kissed. Oh, right. Girls can’t initiate it. Because that is being “forward.”6. The fact that I am strong and independent and don’t need a boyfriend to complete me and make me feel better about myself making me undateable. Also the fact that I have an ego, am self-assured, and know that I am gorgeous and intelligent and sexy working against me. I like my confidence. If you don’t shove it. I also don’t like being told I am beautiful by guys too often--I want people to like me because I am fun, have a great sense of humor, and am intelligent--not because there is an eleven inch difference between my bust and my waist.7. Shallow guys. Especially ugly shallow guys. Especially nerdy ugly shallow guys.8. Guys who think that because I was flirting with them I am automatically going to say yes to a date.9. Creepy old men stalkers. Especially creepy old men stalkers who want a relationship and we could “work out” the fact that I have parents. And that I am a minor. Plus that they ignore that I have told them I am uninterested because they are too old because I am apparently I am young and “don’t know what I want,” and will realize I want a “real man” and want to date them. Puke now.10. The inability to find a guy who can withstand the stregnth of my personality and not be patronizing about it.
Posted by Shopgirl152 September 19, 2008 12:42 AM

Okay, listen to me girl, you got problems. That's all I'm gonna say.

6. My Mom giving my husband the bigger plate of food( he is a man so he needs to eat more).
Posted by penny rose September 19, 2008 1:15 AM

Or maybe because he's FUCKING BIGGER THAN YOU? Maybe she knows that he FUCKING EATS MORE THAN YOU DO?

4. Having to explain to otherwise reasonably feminist people that it's not okay to suggest that rape victims bring it on themselves by comparing a woman who gets raped because she was alone and/or provocatively dressed to a man who gets mugged because he walked in a bad neighbourhood.

It's the exact same thing

5. Not being able to feel safe when walking alone in the dark, even when it's still early and I'm walking along busy main roads.

I think it's funny
Posted by wavesandmoon September 19, 2008 2:08 AM

There's more of this endless crap, but that's enough for right now